"Ophiel Magic" Message Archive
These are all the messages from the current active "Ophiel Magic" Google Group. Archived here for the convenience of those studying max.height's guide to Ophiel's writings. They are created as individual PDF files, each PDF features a cover page crediting their creator max.height. This archive is kept up to date with the current live "Ophiel Magic" Google Group.
These files also function as a backup of the "Ophiel Magic" Google Group, should it go the same way as the original "Ophiel Magick" YahooGroup, which is now defunct. All the public files and messages from that group were lost. Although I do have an archive saved from the original YahooGroup, and as time permits I will place some of them on this site, given max.height's permission to post them. In fact the Resources and Files sections of this site feature files retrieved from that same archive.
Google have an even more unfortunate history of killing products and services, and these valuable writings by max.height need to survive to assist those serious about working with Ophiel's materials, now, and in the future. Particularly as there is very little out there concerning the Malkuth Earth/Hades Body, if it's even acknowledged at all by those claiming knowledge of the occult. Mostly its existence is simply never acknowledged.
You can click on the "View Files" button at the top right to access these files in a list format by year. It's possible to directly view and download each PDF.
It's worth pointing out that these message archives are searchable by title. When you use the "View Files" button, simply use the magnifying glass icon/search field, and type your query. Very handy when searching on a particular subject, given the large number of documents in this section. But bear in mind the search only works on the directory/folder which you're currently "in".