This minimal site is designed to serve as a straightforward resource to assist current Ophiel students to work directly and practically with max.height's presentation of Ophiel's materials in their lives, nothing more.
It's aimed, currently, at the existing members of the "Ophiel Magic" Google Group. It's meant to make up for the lack of an area to share files in the Google Group, which itself is essentially a mailing list/forum (historically Usenet access too). The previous incarnation of this Ophiel group, the now defunct "Ophiel Magick" YahooGroup, used to feature a file area often referenced in max.height's writings (the name "Sender" was used in those days). This site should now restore some of that missing functionality.
The aim then is to assist anyone wishing to make use of a unique opportunity to work with the writings of someone who has clearly "activated" Ophiel's teachings in his own life, namely max.height. He is the sole author of the Group's monologues, and his primary aim appears to be one of assisting the reader to get similar results for themselves.
In particular it's a chance for those who've previously had limited success working with Ophiel's materials, to try again, and also a chance to examine the commonly overlooked and previously "hidden" knowledge of the Malkuth Earth/Hades Body, with a strong emphasis on a Tattva based approach. All of this through direct experience, tested and validated in the reader's own life.
The creator of this site (an Ophiel student, and not max.height) would like to take this opportunity to thank "max" for his generous contribution, in sharing this unusual knowledge in such depth with us all. Not that any of this means a thing if you don't put this knowledge into practice. With these materials you can start to test and try them for yourself, and see what results you get. An approach very much in keeping with the spirit of Ophiel himself.
Good luck to whoever reads these materials and attempts to put them to work in their life.